Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fatehpur el Sikhri

I think this was the lowpoint of our trip. Fatehpur el sikhri. I'm so mad I'm not even going to rotate these pictures. Yeah. Take that. You suck.
Anyway, in India there's a local rate and a foreigner rate. Being born in India, so far my family and I had paid the local rate. However at Fatehpur el sikhri, our tour guide sold us out. He told the ticketers that we weren't local and then asked us to prove otherwise. Since my brother, sister and I can't speak hindi they charged us the foreigner rate (about 10x the local rate). And I noticed that he got a spot of money on the side. It can't have been much, maybe rs 100 but I guess it was enough for him. Once we got inside it rained. You may notice that the water is green in these pictures. I thought it was a pretty color but it turns out it was algae. For the most part I was still okay though. What killed it for me was when we came to the 'shine' part of the palace. We had to take our shoes off. This place was so...filthy. I was repulsed. Dad, Floyd and Trisha said they'd wait outside but mom and I decided to brave it. The shine was covered in flies and the floor was filthy. But mom and I went in and made a donation. In return you get one wish. I won't tell you what mine is but I'll let you know it came true :). Mom's also kept hers a secret. Don't know if hers has come true yet.
You'll notice that I have an unhappy smile in these photos. That's because I'm standing next to a goat turd. It's off camera.

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